228 Sports Image Copyright / Fair Use Policy

228 Sports photographers are contracted by Digital Coast Media, LLC  and 228 Sports, LLC. For more information about DCM please visit DCM.social. For information about 228 Sports, please send an email to info@228sports.com.

Images displayed on 228sports.com that have been taken by our photographers are subject to federal copyright laws. Copyright exists even if the creator never registers their work with a copyright office. The use of images on this website for other publications without written permission is forbidden.

Gaining image permissions:

Submit requests to info@228sports.com. Include publication name, date of proposed release, business contact, and phone number. Photographer and publication must be credited on all photos used upon publication with the following credit: “Photo by: (Photographer) / 228Sports.com” – Photos CANNOT be used without written permission from Publisher.

Image purchase:

Some images taken by 228 Sports photographers may be purchased. There is no guarantee that the contractor must sell their work. If you or your organization wishes to purchase images please send an email to info@228sports.com. Personal use images (ie: parents, schools, etc) cannot be given free use permission. Purchased images are business between the client and the photographer, 228 Sports does not sell images directly. 

Fair use and social media:

228 Sports obtains permission from school / coaches / parents, to use images that are posted on social media or school administration pages to support our content. Not all images on this website are products of our contracted photographers. Photos on social media are still protected under copyright. Proper permission and credit must be given accordingly. 228 Sports has no ability to grant permission for content used on other organizational social media. You must contact those persons directly. 

Fair use: Fore more information from the US Copyright Office for Fair use, please visit this link. Social media channels each have their own policies, please visit their sites for specific terms of use. DCM abides by the US Copyright guidelines for 228sports.com and ourmshome.com.